Tag: Trail Distilling

Drink In Life Books-Literary Libations

This month I’ve decided to do something a little different by talking about a book that highlights classic books and showcases beverages that pair well with them. In her book, LITERARY LIBATIONS: What to Drink With What You Read, Amira Makansi has pairing recommendations… Continue Reading “Drink In Life Books-Literary Libations”

At This moment: Navigating my way through the “Unexpected stay at home of 2020”

“Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible.” ~Mandy Hale My Blog, like many other things in life has taken a hit during the Covid-19 Pandemic, for months I was sitting back, watching and… Continue Reading “At This moment: Navigating my way through the “Unexpected stay at home of 2020””